Six Questions with…
. . .Alex Leung, Account Executive
1. You come from a Journalism and Political Science background – so what are you doing in PR?
Journalism and Political Science require you to have a general understanding of various issues. In many ways, my experience in those sectors allows me to understand and manage clients and projects across different industries in a more informed manner. And I still get to sharpen my critical thinking skills, which I find to be a skill that’s important but really underrated, no matter which industry you’re in.
2. It’s Monday – what does your week ahead look like?
It depends, really, but a “typical” work week involves news monitoring, pitching to journalists, identifying suitable media angles and opportunities for clients, as well as writing. Lots of writing.
3. What should communications professionals be mindful of when it comes to the Hong Kong market?
It has a relatively small media pool, which doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easy to earn coverage. Instead, we have to always be mindful that pitches should be customised according to the characteristics and style of the targeted media. It goes without saying, but you really have to be extra discerning when it comes to pitching.
4. Anything at work that recently made you chuckle?
This may be random, but when I first started monitoring print media coverage, I’d actually go out to the store and purchase the newspapers or magazines. Didn’t take long for me to realise that I actually have free access to the publications that I needed hahaha.
5. What’s one memorable event/launch/project that you’ve got to work on since joining RICE?
Successful events or projects are always nice stories to share but I find that rarely do people talk about the ones that just weren’t meant to be. A while back, we were pitching for this one prospect, for which we developed – in my opinion – really brilliant campaign ideas. I even had the chance to engage a few Hong Kong star athletes for potential collaborations. The opportunity fell through but it served as a much-needed reminder that things won’t always go your way, but you keep aiming for the best regardless.
6. One of your interests includes sustainability. Why do you think it’s a crucial issue for our industry?
While sustainability and ESG issues are often hot topics, many companies still only treat them as mere verbal commitments, without taking any real action. Even when actions are being taken, they often only focus on the outcome and profits, without actually trying to meaningfully embed sustainability approaches to their business operation. To look at it more optimistically, I like to believe that the nature of our work affords us both the ability and the opportunity to influence and encourage change through things like corporate and consumer communication.
… Six More Questions
1. What brings you joy outside of work?
Sports, good music, books, drama series, and quality time with loved ones.
2. Would you rather never listen to your favourite song or never eat your favourite food again?
Darn, this is really hard. At the moment? I’d go with never eating my favourite food… Begrudgingly.
3. If you were to describe yourself using three objects, what would they be?
Kirby, double bass, iPod.
4. What would be the title of the movie about your life?
5. What would you like to ask the next person (that we’ll be profiling)?
Without the certainty of knowing if things will get better or worse, is there anything in the past that you’d do differently?
6. Question from the Singapore team: If you could take a magical train to travel to 3 different places (real or fictional), where would you go?
My train can also go back in time… Because, why not? If so, it would take me to:
– Munich’s Allianz Arena on 19 May 2012 (feel free to Google this :D)
– Wii Sports Resort (lol)
– Hong Kong in the 2000s
Well, Alex, you better grab your magical passport and start packing. For our next corporate retreat? We’re gonna pull a Michelle Yeoh and journey vicariously across the multiverse.