Meet & Greet

Six Questions with…

. . .

Bhavna, Manager, People & Culture, RICE

1. What’s something about HR that most people don’t know?

It is way more than “just an admin role”!

2. What’s the most valuable lesson that you’ve learnt from working in HR in PR?

The thing HR and PR have in common is that people are at the heart of everything, hence the focus on People and Culture in my role at RICE. I’ve learnt that HR is a strategic business function and in most cases, the backbone of every company – it is certainly the case for RICE. I feel fortunate to be surrounded by like-minded colleagues who embrace this and always want to do better.

3. As someone who went into HR after having done PR for several years, what advice do you have for people looking to make a career change?

Do whatever it takes to make it happen. Look for opportunities and be persistent! I struggled to find opportunities and companies that were willing to take a chance on me, but then I came across RICE, and the team believed in my potential. It’s the perfect stepping stone – leveraging my past experience in communications, whilst delving into HR.

4. You’ve been at RICE for some time now. How do you think the company has grown over the years?

When I think about RICE, I think about the phrase “same, same but different”. From a cultural perspective, RICE has been consistent in putting people first (sounding like a broken record now, but it’s true!) and ensuring that the environment is open and safe for all.

At the same time, the company always wants to be ahead of the industry in terms of offering clients better and more value-added strategic services, whilst providing growth opportunities to the team as well. This involves various kinds of investment (talent, time, training etc) and a certain level of risk as well. Take, for example, the work that we do with AKIN. The future is bright for all of us, and I’m truly excited for what’s to come!

Cycling with Aly, who works remotely from the Philippines;

she recently visited our Singapore office for the first time

5. What are your thoughts on hybrid/remote/flexi work? And how is RICE adapting to such forms of work?

I’ve always believed in embracing a flexible work arrangement – even pre-pandemic. There are so many benefits to allowing team members to decide when, where and how they want to do their work. It lets them better juggle personal and professional commitments, and gives them ownership of their time. RICE has always supported this and believes in keeping the interests of staff ahead of everything else!

6. What brings you joy outside of work?

Cycling, yoga, dancing, live music, and spending time with my family and friends.

Bhavna’s family during at holiday trip to Switzerland

… Six More Questions

1. On a scale of “homebody” to “adventurer”, how would you describe yourself?

A nervous adventurer.

2. If you can know the truth to one question, what would that question be?

Why do my kids always wake up at 6am, regardless of when they go to bed?

The kids in question

3. Worst advice that you’ve heard?

“Imagine everyone is naked!” Um, no thanks.

4. What’s the last thing that you watched?

Vecna wreaking havoc in Hawkins (Stranger Things.)

5. What would you like to ask the next person (that we’ll be profiling)?

What would get you out of bed on a lazy Sunday morning?

6. Question from Lingyan: *Hypothetically*… If the office caught fire, what are the 3 things that you’d grab?

People, our Pride flag and the alcohol (to stop a bigger fire from happening, obviously.)

Thanks, Bhavna. We’d grab you first in a fire too :’)

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Meet & Greet

Six Questions with…

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