Meet & Greet

Six Questions with…

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Neil Mirano, Director of Client Services

1. Tell us about what you do and how long you’ve been at RICE.

I’m the Director of Client Services at RICE, primarily managing several B2B tech accounts. I’ve been with RICE for over 10 years. Here’s a fun fact: FICO is a client I’ve worked with since day one.

RICE uncles in Bali

2. What’s something about you that most people don’t know?

I’m not necessarily a gamer, but I play Pokemon. Lately, though, it’s more about bonding with my first-born Liana, who gets excited whenever we find a new Pokemon.

3. Favourite RICE memory so far?

Our South Korea offsite in 2016 was quite special. I was also awarded Most Valuable Employee of the Year, which I didn’t expect.

4. What are you looking forward to for the rest of the year (regarding life and work)?

After 12+ years in Singapore, we recently relocated to Canberra in Australia. These days, I’m mostly looking forward to short road trips with my girls. We’re heading to the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales this July school holiday, just about 2 hours drive from our house.

0.01 sec Canberra Times media coverage while burgering with his girls

5. What’s an unpopular opinion that you stand by?

Oh dear. Pets are no fun? But seriously, Teddy, our office dog, is an exception. I don’t mind him being around the office. OK, you can all hate me now!

6. What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

Ummm, eat healthier like I mean it? I’m now literally double that age, and I’m feeling some regret for every ounce of junk I’ve eaten over the years.

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